
Side to Side: How to Choose Exterior Siding for Your Home

The exterior siding you choose for your home can make it or break it. That’s no overstatement.

Resale value, maintenance costs, durability. It’s all affected by the types of siding you choose.

In the following article, we’ll be discussing the considerations you should make when arriving at your decision, as well as how the available options measure up. Let’s start building!

Know What Is Important to You

Determine what you want most for your home. Is it a specific look, maximum durability, something you won’t have to do a lot of work to?

Example: say you like the look of exterior wood siding, but you’re not a fan of the upkeep and weather-based considerations. Fiber-cement could be a great option. It can replicate wood, but it’s actually a composite material consisting of cement and cellulose fibers.

It’s also been on the rise since 2014 with a healthy global outlook. Use of wood siding, on the other hand, is declining.  

Consider the Elements

Exterior siding options are not created equally. And which is better largely depends on where you plan on using it. For example, stucco is considered a non-starter in areas that suffer heavy amounts of snow each winter.

Vinyl, on the other hand, is diverse across the board but lower-quality grades are susceptible to weather damages in areas of extreme heat (think Arizona) or cold (Buffalo).

Talk to your contractor about weather performance before settling on one.

Weigh Maintenance

We’ve already mentioned the wood maintenance issue. That’s certainly opened up an opportunity for fiber-cement manufacturers. 

If constant upkeep bothers you, then you’re not going to like wood as much. Especially in heavy-rain, high-moisture areas.

Research the maintenance requirements of your choice before pushing forward. Even the most durable need to be maintained, and ignoring the requirements can shorten its lifespan and leave the rest of your home vulnerable.  

Think About Replacement

Even before you buy house siding, you should be thinking about a replacement. If you plan on living in your home for 15 or 30 years, it could be necessary.

Choosing brick, stone, or stone-veneer might net more years than other options, but replacement costs will eventually need to be addressed. When considering, ask these questions: 

  • How long will it last?
  • How much will it cost? 
  • How will you pay for it when the time comes? 

Much can change about your financial situation between now and then. But it’s best to start thinking ahead with such a major expense. And it should definitely be considered when weighing the overall investment in your home.

And one last thing: if you plan on using someone to do the work, don’t just price-compare. Check out the contractor’s past projects to make sure they have the level of expertise for such a job. 

The Exterior Siding Makes the Home

Hopefully, the above considerations will help you better understand the decision you’re about to make and the numerous factors making a specific siding type right or wrong for your situation. Anything else?

Contact American Craftsmen LLC today if you have questions or need help deciding the exterior siding that’s right for you.